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    Welcome to Headways International Early Learning Center

    Learning is their journey. Let them navigate. Inspire children to explore. Watch them discover. Encourage their questions. Allow them to struggle. Support their thinking…… Let your children be themselves... Let them fly…..

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  • FAN1003728FAN1003728

    Explore and Express

  • playgroundplayground

    Joyful learning environment

  • autumnautumn

    Create lifelong learners



Learning is their journey. Let them navigate. Push them to explore. Watch them to discover. Encourage their questions. Allow them to struggle. Support their thnking.... Let your children themselves.... Let them fly.....

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Enrichment Activities

Enrichment Activities

Drawing, Art, Story, Tellirg, Reading, Writing, Science club, Chess, Musical Instruments, Dance, Workshops on interesting and educational topics.

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Our assessment patern is formative, continuous and flows from the experiences planned in the curriculum. Our teachers will evaluate each child progress on an ongoing basis, through observation, behavior, art work and other products.

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Playgroup (18months-30 months)

Playgroup child begins to participate in structured activities that are designed to encourage their fine and gross motor skills, speaking skills, early literacy skills – all through exploration and learning. Learning Goals for our Playgroup Programs: Areas Playgroup Language Development Listening-Attempts to follow instruction -Listens to a wide variety of conversations with interest -Maintains eye contact Speaking-Attempts to share a message with others using

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Nursery (30 months – 42months)

Nursery child begins to explore materials and activities and discover new concepts as well as build social skill through a variety of stimulating, hands on experiences, several different learning centers, field trips, special occasion’s celebrations. Learning Goals for our  Nursery Programs: Areas Nursery Language Development Listening-Follows basic instructions -Listens to a wide variety of literature with sustained interest -Listens attentively and recognizes when it

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Child Care (12months – 10years)

Headways is much more than a Child care facility, it is a learning center which provides personal care and attention to each child. Full day, Morning Child care, After School Senior, After School Junior, Alternate child care.
