Nursery (30 months – 42months)


Nursery child begins to explore materials and activities and discover new concepts as well as build social skill through a variety of stimulating, hands on experiences, several different learning centers, field trips, special occasion’s celebrations.

Learning Goals for our  Nursery Programs:



Language Development

Listening-Follows basic instructions

-Listens to a wide variety of literature with sustained interest

-Listens attentively and recognizes when it is appropriate to speak

-Maintains eye contact

-Uses simple language using an ever increasing vocabulary to communicate meaning

Speaking-Attempts to share a message with others using language

-Demonstrates interest in and experiments with new sounds and words

-Names preferred objects

-Names pictures of common objects

-Uses personal pronouns – I, you, me

-Tells uses of objects

-Retell a story in a sequence

Pre Reading-Demonstrate knowledge of letter sounds and symbol

-Holds book the correct way up and turns the pages

-Listens to joins in to recite rhymes and poems with repetitive language

-Develop an interest and appreciation for stories – Asks to be read again: shows interest in discussions about storyline, illustrations/characters

Pre-Writing-Begins to demonstrate interest in the marks they make with crayons, markers and paint brushes

-Willingly engages in representations/ creative experiences using materials for creative purposes

-Works collaboratively on art pieces

Knowledge and Understanding

-Uses senses to explore, discover and investigate their world

-Begins to ask questions

-Demonstrate interest in how things operate

-Demonstrates curiosity in and wonders about the world, people, objects, events and situations.

-Display creativity and resourcefulness in the innovative use of ideas and materials

-Use simple language to identify a problem (may use verbal and non verbal communication)

-Displays confidence in experimenting and investigating own theories

-Demonstrates a wide range of problem solving strategies including trial and error, observation, reflection, questioning and researching

Mathematical Understanding

-Participates in simple number experiences e.g. finger plays and action rhymes

-Begins to recognize shapes and color in the environment (may label familiar shapes)

-Uses simple math language e.g. one more, the same, more than

May demonstrate an awareness that objects can be counted but may count randomly by rote

-Can do matching and sorting objects according to color or shape

-Shows one to one correspondence

-Understands basic seriation (arranging objects in series/patterns)

-Demonstrates an awareness that objects can be counted

Physical Development

-Displays confidence in using their bodies to express ideas, thoughts and feelings.

-Displays increasing control and coordination over movements involving the arms, hands and fingers

-Demonstrates an increasing variety of different pincer and plamer

-Displays eye-hand coordination and increasing small muscle coordination (use of spoon, cup, scissors, pencils and paint brushes)

-Participates In support hygiene practices e.g. washing hands, placing tissue in the waste bin

Personal-Social-Emotional Development

-Ability to form trusting relationships and attachments to others in the environment

-Ability to adjust to new routines and unfamiliar situations and challenges

-Ability to approach familiar situations with confidence

-Displays an understanding of turn taking

-Shows interest in interacting with others in the environment

-Accepts responsibilities for small tasks e.g. placing a book on the shelf

-Participates in small and large group activities

-Responds to simple group rules

Creative Development

-Sings simple songs with increasing more complex melodies and vocabulary

-Explores the elements of music (beat and rhythm)

-Displays ability to keep a beat with body movements

-Creates simple dance movements

-Explores colors, textures, shape and form

-Enjoys a variety of art experiences like drawing, painting, coloring and sticking


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