Playgroup (18months-30 months)


Playgroup child begins to participate in structured activities that are designed to encourage their fine and gross motor skills, speaking skills, early literacy skills – all through exploration and learning.

Learning Goals for our Playgroup Programs:



Language Development

Listening-Attempts to follow instruction

-Listens to a wide variety of conversations with interest

-Maintains eye contact

Speaking-Attempts to share a message with others using language(verbal or non verbal)

-Demonstrates interest in and experiments with new sounds and words

-Speak clearly with adequate volume

PreReading-Develop an interest for stories

PreWriting-Begins to demonstrate interest in the marks they make with crayons, markers and paint brushes

-Willingly engages in experiences using materials for creative purpose.

Knowledge and Understanding

-Shows curiosity and interest by exploring surroundings

-Uses simple language to identify a problem (may use verbal and non verbal communication)

-Observes, selects and manipulates objects and materials.

-Uses his senses to explore through touch, smell etc.

Mathematical Understanding

-Explore the physical world using a wide range of senses e.g. crawling through tunnel, noticing the weight of a heavy box

-Says some number names in familiar contexts such as nursery rhymes

Physical Development

-Demonstrate awareness and appreciation of their own body, it’s care and safety

-Participates positively in self help tasks (dressing, toileting, meal time)

-Uses their bodies to express ideas, thoughts and feelings e.g. dance

-Participates in support hygiene practices e.g. washing hands, placing tissue in the waste bin

-Moves spontaneously showing some control and coordination

Personal-Social-Emotional Development

-Ability to adjust to new routines and unfamiliar situations and challenges

-Shows an interest in classroom activities through observation or participation

-Plays alongside others

-Builds relationships through gesture and talk.

-Separates form main care giver with support

Creative Development

-Begins to demonstrate interest in the marks they make with crayons, markers and paint brushes

-Responds to music and rhythm through movement

-Participates in simple/rhythm/chant experiences

-Explores color, texture and shapes


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